Tuesday 3 April 2007

Die ganze Macht den Raten!

The Brigade Games' figs arrived (and a bunch of Renegade too). They're damn fine figs. For the revolutionaries I got german sailors and german askaris in shapeless hats, the latter to convert into armed Berlin citizens. Not easy but the first attempts look promising. What's really missing is soldiers in long coats and field caps. Some options are available but inevitably for conversions though. For the Freikorps I use plain German stormtroopers.

I found out why I had difficulty logging in to adjust this blog, so that is solved now.
I also updated my Displaced Gallery with a some of the first of my 'Great War Fiction' project.
I think the Spartakist stuff will be added in this gallery.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Looking very nice so far. Klaus is the bomb- love that conversion.