Thursday, 14 October 2021

Alien Marauders

 Many years ago I converted some of the 3rd edition 40K Dark Eldar.
I disliked the original designs but they came in the box so I had quite a few.

This was several years before the new versions by Jes Goodwin were released. Before facebook in fact, thinking of it. I remember I had a gallery on Displaced Miniatures where a crappy picture of these conversions unexpectedly reached several thousand visualisations. 

The idea was to make them look more menacing. A mix between Predator and Giger's Sil design from Species. Rogue Trader-esque Space elf raiders, or vampires, in chitinous carapace armour.  

This week I did them a little makeover. First I swapped some of the heads with Oathmark elven heads. Then all of them were roughly drybrushed with Wraithbone Contrast base colour. Then a dark brown mix of contrast paint resulting in a muted, slightly translucent effect.
Two guys have oddly coloured hair, blue and green for a bit of a Manga effect.

Monday, 11 October 2021

Renegade Space Marines

 It's been almost a year I posted something and two years anything Rogue Trader related.

Several years ago I got a box of used and assembled RTB01 Imperial Space Marines.
Most were more or less assembled as I would've done it. For a long time I wasn't sure how to paint them. I didn't care much about the classic chapters.

In the end though I decided to make them the renegade Night Lords.
Not in spiky Chaos style but old school Epic Space Marine Horus Heresy.

Psychopath fanatic Renegade Marines in standard imperial equipment.

I love the early Night Lords artwork on the Epic box. At the time their symbol looked suspiciously like a Batman sign. Obviously changed for I.P. issues...

The APC is a really crappy plastic tank. Made in China from the 1970's or '80's it looks. Got it in a bag with a jeep and loads of cops many years ago.